
Spring Cleaning Tips

By Loretta Maimone   Follow me: Loretta Maimone on Facebook
Thu, Apr 03, 2014 at 11:00AM

Most of us eagerly anticipated the start of spring March 20th—but not many are as excited about the process of spring cleaning. But if you keep your cool, it doesn’t have to be a chore at all! Follow these simple steps to ensure a spotless spring clean in every part of your home.

Start small. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by piles of clothes, dirty tile, cluttered cabinets and messy closets. Don’t spend hours or days agonizing over how tough it’ll be to clean it all—instead, before you even start your official “cleaning,” start small and pick up clutter when you see it, whether it be clothes on the floor or plates in the sink. Whenever you leave a room, take with you anything that goes “somewhere else”, like glasses of water on your nightstand, instead of waiting to clean it all later on.

Break up the cleaning into chunks. Cleaning your whole house is a big feat, and it’s hard to devote a day to it when you have work, errands and other commitments to keep up with. Instead, try spending one afternoon completely decluttering your kitchen, another on bathrooms, etc. Not only will this open up your schedule, but it will ensure a better clean in every room by avoiding the exhaustion that comes with a full day of cleaning.

Save the best for last. In every room you take on, don’t get sidetracked by minor areas. Smaller, easier jobs often seem tempting at first, but save them for when the big stuff is done—the mopping, organizing of closets, etc. Once you get the harder projects out of the way, you will feel completely guilt-free while perusing old clothes and looking through family photo albums.

Spring Cleaning Tips

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